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Committed to building an open, transparent and fairer marketplace.

Striving to create a positive impact across our business and within the communities and environment around us.

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Driving positive impact

As a global business we have a desire to address societal issues and drive measurable and positive change where we are able. Put simply, we believe that it is the right thing to do.

Through these efforts, we hope to address some of the most pressing sustainability challenges including inequality in the workplace, inequality in access to education and employment and climate related issues.

We are committed to transparency and accountability in the way we integrate sustainability into our business functions. That’s why we have identified the importance of maintaining a system that aligns to ISO 14001:2015, incorporates SOC requirements and is continually improving systems, process and operations.

Corporate sustainability report

Corporate sustainability report

This is the first sustainability report for LMAX Group and its subsidiaries, published in June 2024 and covers the 12-month period ended December 31, 2023.

The progress represented in this report reflects initiatives that were either started, continued, or completed in 2023 and sets out our sustainability objectives for 2024 and beyond.

Download report PDF

United Nations Global Compact

UN Global Compact

We are proud to have joined the UN Global Compact in 2023, a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General.

The United Nations Global Compact calls on companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals.

As part of our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices, LMAX Group has embedded the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact into its strategies and operations, respecting human and labour rights, safeguarding the environment, and working against corruption in all its forms.

Preserving the environment


We understand the importance of responsibility, it’s one of our core values that guides us and is at the foundation of everything we do.

To effect change we need to understand where our challenges lie and where we can mitigate and reduce our impact on a global scale. That’s why we have partnered with Greenly, a carbon accounting platform, to assess and explore our SCOPE 3 GHG impact in 2023.

This report will be made public and reviewed on an annual basis in line with our corporate sustainability reporting in 2024.

Community impact

Community Impact

We are passionate about our people and that’s why we invest in our operations and communities to create lasting impact. Community impact is a long-term vision and creating positive change requires more than just monetary donations, it requires time, resource and radical interdependence and collaboration with our partners.

Technological advancement and innovation are critical to our vision as we play our part in shaping the future of capital markets. But technology alone won’t get us there. What will, is our ability to reimagine traditional market structures through the eyes of a fairer and more equitable tomorrow. Where opportunities can be realised, and a legacy built for all. Our principles of openness, transparency and accountability guide us in our connections to the world around us – to our colleagues, customers and communities.

Through our partners, Kensington & Chelsea Foundation and The Philippines Reef and Rainforest Conservation Foundation we have been able to positively impact the lives of over 50,000 people globally and this is just the beginning.

For more information or if you would like to review our policies, please email [email protected].